
General Information
Greek Name: Prometheus
Roman Name: It seems illogical to have another name when I already have one. 
Gender: Male
Current City: Since being chained to a rock, I never set down roots anymore. 
Occupation: Titan God of Foresight, as well as the Creator of Mankind (I used to feed Zeus’s eagle but thankfully I was rescued)
Relationship Status: Married

Friends & Family:
Parents:  Lapetos (dad) & Klymene (mom)
Siblings: Epimetheus & Atlas
Children: Deucalion, Mankind
Friends:Epimetheus (my brother who may be forgetful but he's not a bad guy), Heracles, and all of Mankind (after all I did create them).
Enemies: Chronos (siding with the Olympians didn't help my cause), Atlas (again, siding with the Olympians really ticked a lot of Titans off), and Zeus (I help him overthrow my own kind. How does he repay me. He chains me to a rock and making that retched bird torture me by eating my liver everyday, only for it to grow back the day after, what a tool!)

Powers/responsibilities: I am a Titan, a god of forethought, therefore I obviously have the power of forethought. I am also immortal (thank you Chiron). I am also the wisest and most intelligent of all the Titans, possibly of all the gods (they tend to disagree, but they're just jealous because they're all dumb as dirt) 
Symbol(s): The fire of creation (a hand outstretched, palm upward, with a flame coming out of it)
Favourite Book: Frankenstein by Mary Shelly (the idea of creating a living creature from scratch, and then being punished for your ingenious, seems to appeal to me)
Favourite Music: Set Fire To The Rain by Adele
Favourite Movie: Django Unchained (I dreamed of being free a lot when I was chained to that rock), Prometheus (not just because it has my name in the title), and 127 Hours (I was stuck on a rock for a lot longer than 127 hours).
Your Interests:
Teaching, learning (pretty much anything that has to do with education), inventing, being immensely wise and ingenious, and the occasional rebellion.

About Me:
I am the son of Klymene, the Titan Goddess of fame, and Lapetos, the titan of mortal life-span. As I'm sure you know I am titan god of forethought. I have one child named Deucalion (wise, just like his old man) with my wife Pronoia. When the war between the Titans and the Olympians began, my brother and I sided with the Olympians, as it was the logical thing to do. The titans were turning into oppressive tyrants and needed to be stopped (of course if I had known Zeus would become exactly like his father I may have made a different decision). After the rest of the Titans were vanquished I became good friends with the Olympians (even Zeus, though its hard to believe).

One day, I was toying with a piece of clay and created a creature I named man. I breathed life into man and placed him on Earth. Zeus put me in charge of deciphering what man would sacrifice to the Gods and what they would keep for themselves. Since I loved my creation, I made sure that man got the best meat by tricking Zeus (which wasn't hard as I am so ingenious. I rapped a bunch of bones from an ox in a rich layer of fat, I then put the rest of the ox in an unappetizing stomach, knowing he would pick the bones. Sure enough he did. Zeus was so angry he forbid man the right to fire. I knew man would probably without fire so I did the logical thing, stole it. I then taught man how to use fire, as well as some other skills, such as writing. This made Zeus so angry he chained me to a giant rock and got his evil pet eagle to swoop down every day a eat my liver (that reminds me, if you have any time of pet birds its a deal breaker). For years this happened, until I was eventually freed by Heracles, who killed that foul demon of a bird (no pun intended) and unchained me. Now I'm free and ready to mingle.

First Date:

If you went on a date with me we would go to a museum (or really any place educational). Then we would have dinner together and discuss theories, math, astronomy, history, etc. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something. Then maybe we'd watch Discovery Channel and talk about our future together (I already know it, but I won't spoil it).